flag 4th flag

School's Open
September 22nd

Fall is here
November 11th

Veterans Day
LaborDay flag 4th
October 14th

Columbus Day
October 31st

Nov 5th

Election Day


Jump to screen status section    or    Jump to photo section   or    Jump to bottom of page to see Larry's nurses!



Are you wondering if the walls are still painted purple in the original purple room


Updated this page changed photos at the top. Fixing when photos are made larger they do not overflow the screen. This technology needs to be applied elsewhere on the web site.

Updated this page so when your cursor/mouse crosses over a photo it will pop up and be enlargen, also it will not overflow the screen. This technology needs to be applied eslewhere in the web site on many of the photo gallery screens.

Its early morning 2AM and can not sleep so I playing with the web site. Adding a feature that when your mouse rolls over a picture on some pages the picture pops up and is larger. There is a problem with some photos as they go off screen and the entire photo can not be seen, I need to fix that problem. Also update some screens so that back ground is not white.

Updated home page to add link to Ode to Larry Natale (Ode.html). Added Ode.htm page with a Mrs Robinson video/music sing along. Added link to rosters (rosters.html pages). Added link to the Music of Mosher (mosherMusic.html ...). Added link to the Clothing of Mosher (clothes.html ...). Need to update buttons for new links so they look & feel like the exisiting ones.

Updated home page to add additional pix etc about next year's 60th BTHS annerversary event. Added additional photos from 2024 reunion gala (Thanks Judy). Updated the web site to by adding additional disk space from 1GB to 5GB.

Updated home page to add reunion 2024 photo and link to additional photos. Updated the pictures for Reunion 2024 page. Updated the Sol & Mark photo page fromn 1966. Removed spam entry from guest book page viewing. Still working on adding additional disk space.

Updated both the Funding and the Home Page. Also we will have lots of disk space shortly.

Updated the Family page and the 2024 Reunion Photo Page. Added a funding status page that is linked from our home page.

Tried to add mp4 files to 934 page. Size limitation problems. Will try again after lowering resolution of files. Sucessful upload after lower resolution and splitting some files. (This used a lot of our storage space.)

Updated 2020's photo gallery page to add 934 Kings Highway link. Added 934 Kings Highway page with photos; mostly current ones.

Updated 2020's photo gallery page. Added 2024 Reunion page. The spammers have quieted down for now.

Updated Selfie photo gallery page. Removed more spam entries. Yes the spammers keep coming back and I can not stop them.

Updated 2024 photo gallery page. Removed spam entries. Yes the spammers are back.

Updated selfie page and 2024 photo gallery page. Removed spam entries. Yes the spammers are back.

Updated this page. Looks like the spammers have taken a rest period for now. Makes my job easier. LOL!

Checked that all copyright statements are correct (I hope).

Finished udating the copyright statement on all pages. Just need to verify all copyright statements are corrected. Added one more 2024 photos and 2025 photo page holder.

Updating the copyright statement on additional pages. Removing spam entries from the guest book as they show up. Added one more 2024 photos of Judy & Mike.

Still updating the copyright statement on all pages, and removing spam entries from the guest book as needed. Added more 2024 photos.

Still updating the copyright statement on all pages. And removing spam entries from the guest book as needed. Added more cartoons.

Started updating the copyright statement on all pages. And removing spam entries from the guest book as needed.

Removing spam entries from the guest book as needed.


Updated this page. Will be updating the copyright statement on all pages. And removing spam entries from the guest book as needed.

Updated 2023 Selfie page photo of Sal from 2021 with a 2023 photo.

Updated this page, mase some tweaks. Also been removing spam from the guest book page.

Updated Larry N photo to a 2023 picture. Also removed spam entries from Guest Book. LOL.

Been removing spam entries as needed from the guest book over the last month otherwise the site hasn't changed.

Removed spam entries as needed from the guest book over the last month.

Removed 2 spam entries from guest book.

All the THEN & NOW photos have been updated and uploaded to the web site. I just need to run thru t he files to see that all is well and working and displaying correctly.

Started on updating the THEN & NOW pictures. Just in the planning stage on paper printouts.

Tweaked the Selfie Page. Also removed another spam entry in guest book. And the donations keep on coming; thank you all!

Updated the Selfie Page with the best photos I could find or create!

Added more photos to the selfie page. Keep them coming!

Added Jordan & Libby photo to the selfie page.

Added Steve Luf photo to the selfie page.

Added Mark E to the selfie page. And there were no new spam entries ... WOW. Add cartoons to the moreLaughs.html page. Tweaked the Home Page.

Added Marc & Vito to the selfie page.

Another day; another spam entry removed. Web site not closing until Dec 2. 2027. Coming soon 20223 Selfie Page and updatinf ofThen & Now Photos.

Another day; another spam entry removed.

Removed some more spam entries in the guest book...

Been away a few weeks so I needed to clean out the spam entries today. Also removed all the 2021 update notes. Next project is to get selfies from everyone and update the THEN and NOW collages and update the 2023 photo page.

Another day; more spam entries that I have to remove.

Another day; another spam entry that I gotta remove. Also we had a visitor from Mumbai, India, there second visit. Not our spammer. Our spammer is from Russia.

Once again; another spam entry that I gotta remove. Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!

Oh no! Another spam entry that I gotta remove. LOL!

WOW! Its been 10 days since I have had to remove a spam entry in our guest book. Also added more cartoons on More Laughs Page.

On the Broken Link Page 2 added a field that contains the page user came from; so that the webmaster can now repair the broken link(s).

On the Broken Link Page added a link to get user back to the page they were on before the problem occurred.

spamCan Oh no another spam entry. spamCan
Uploaded newer version of BTHS.html so that the last updated date is now correct.
Fix problem with RIP/SDL/SDL.html broken link.

Removed another spam entry. Added photos to Misc/BTHS photos.

Removed one more spam entry. Added a counter to the Guest Book Entry page.

Removed another spam entry again from the guest book. Made the Mosher Gallery jpg larger on the main picture gallery page. Those leprechauns are still not telling me why there are Broken Links Page 2 hits occurring.

Corrected the 2010-2019 photo page - no longer upside down writing when the red bar is selected. Changed the Broken Link page so it now asks the user what they were doing and I have renamed it Broken Link Page 2. Trying to figure out why I am getting a lot visits to the Broken Link Page.

Changed name on Photos 7 & 10 on the pictures on the 2008 Mosher Fest 2 page, from Jonesy to Becket. Also changed the color of last updated date on Blueprint photos of members from white to purple and adding newer photos to the page.


(00) Trying to Fix/Repair the Problems/Errors. I just gotta find them all [LOL]!
(01) ** Still looking for broken links but I have a helper looking for them!
(02) ** There are problems with links on the Lost and Found page.
_(2a) Fixed all list to missing/lost people - you may need to refesh/re-load the page.
(03) ** Will be adding more counters (number of page visitors)
_(3a) Added counter to Saga & Stories Page.
_(3b) Added counter to Animation & Colorized Pages.
_(3c) Added counter to Lost & Found Page.
_(3d) Added counter to 1960s, 70s, 80s & 90s picture Pages.
_(3e) Added counter to 2000s, 2010s & 2020s picture Pages.
_(3f) Reset all counters to ZERO (04) ** There are problems with links on the Lost and Found page.
(05) The following have been corrected.
_(05a) Fixed 2020_dualScreen.html (2020 Photos) was not showing any photos.
_(05b) Fixed date last updated on all individual gallery pictures.
_(05c) Fixed Karp individual gallery page by removing extra character from screen.
_(05d) Fixed "1965 Blueprint Individual Pictures" Page; it was just displaying the letter "Y".


[2023-03-13] Fixed missing photo on the 1960s pictures screen; error was caused by a space in the jpg name. Also fixed error on the Larry & Sue page which was missing the exit bar at top of the page; error cause by splitting a line of code into two lines. Also removed another spam entry from yesterday in our guest book.
[2023-03-11] Removed another spam entry from March 9th. We had visitors from Allentown, PA; Freehold, NJ; West Palm Beach, FL; Marlborough, MA and Putnam Valley, NY during the last week. Glad to see all those visits. Thank you all for coming to look at the web site!
[2023-03-07] Removed more spam entries. They are like weeds growing in my lawn.
[2023-03-04] Removed another spam entry. Replaced it with my own silly guest entry.
[2023-02-22] Here we go again. Removed two spam entries. They keep on coming and I can not stop them.
[2023-02-21] Added more 2023 pictures.
[2023-01-30] Added 2024 picture page. Updated 2022 & 2023 pictures.
[2023-01-30] Removed another 2 spam entries from guest book. Just like an apple a day keeps the doctor away; a spam a day keeps the webmaster busy. LOL.
[2023-01-27] Removed another spam entry from guest book. Added 3 photos to 2023 photo page.
[2023-01-27] Tombstone added to the RIP page. Home page changes made in refernce to the next Zoom Meeting. And request for save the site donations added.
[2023-01-26] The Russian spammers keep getting into the Guest Book. I need to try again to correct the problem. I have ideas but can not get the HTML code to do what I want it to do. So for now I will need to check on the Guest Book and maually delete or overwrite the page to get rid of the spam stuff. Also added the death of mosher to home page!
[2023-01-19] I have finish uploading all files that needed the copyright statement updated for 2023. Hopefully I didn't break anything, but knowing its never 100% successful, there will being at least one link that is not working correctly anymore , so let me know if you find something that is broken. Also my Russian spammer is back on a regular visits.
[2023-01-14] Working on updating the copyright statement on all web site pages. Also making minor changes to this page. Removed 2020 notes from this page.


[2022-12-04] Added pictures from our last Zoom meeting on December 4th 2022 to the 2022 Picture page.
[2022-12-04] Added a current picture of the nurses at the bottom of this page. BTW my favorite spammer is back from vacation. LOL! It's hard to stop a deadicated spammer.
[2022-11-24] The changes I made to the Sign Our Guest Book page seem to be working. Finally stopped the spammer putting spam into the Guest Book for now. Or they are on winter vacation. LOL! Only time will tell.
[2022-10-22] Made change to the Guest Book html code which may help prevent some of the spam entries. Lets see if it works over time. LOL.
[2022-10-20] Home page now shows when next zoom meeting is. And I give up with fixing spam in the guest book for a while.
[2022-10-12] Corrected background color on menu 5 in the how much complete area of this page.
[2022-10-10] Removed another spam entry in the guest book. I guess only way to stop it is not allowing guest book entries.
[2022-10-07] Added a 2022 photo.
[2022-10-03] Fixed the centering of the meters on this page; so that the meters are centered and the gauges start from the left and are not centered in the middle of the gauges.
[2022-10-02] They keep on dropping off spam entries - gotta figure out how to stop them. Added a robots.txt file and added meta line to both fsguest & guestbook html files.
[2022-09-28] Another day another spam entry removed. Gotta do something to stop this spam getting thru.
[2022-09-22] Fixed the Misc Photo Page; correcting page not found error; for not sorted yet stuff. Individuals Gallery updated Copyright statment dates and updated when page was last changed. Removed another spam entry. Also working on documentation book for the web site.
[2022-09-18] Centered all % complete graphs on this page. Removed another spam entry in the guest book.
[2022-09-15] Modified menu item 6 on this page so we now show 6a and 6b.
[2022-09-14] Replaced spam entry. Added a 2022 photo.
[2022-09-09] Modified the home page so we now have two buttons about the guest book. One for signing and another for viewing.
[2022-08-23] Fixed anbother spam entry in the guest book. Also I think I will add a few more laughs.
[2022-08-19] Added another row of 3 laughs and replaced one cartoon; you will have scan thru them all to figure out which one I replaced. LOL!
[2022-08-07] Removed two spam entries from the guest book from the same peron. The spammers are back again.
[2022-08-04] Corrected error on main page using wrong word. Replaced the word with the correct one.
[2022-07-26] Removed another spam guest book entry.
[2022-07-21] Removed another spam guest book entry. Also removed an address left by a visitor.
[2022-07-19] Removed all Guest Books entries that were created by spammers.
[2022-07-10] Made a change to home page added the bones answer as a verbal reply via a clicking.
[2022-07-08] Added item 19 graphic to show how much completed to Saga & Stories Page. Still need next Zoom meeting date & time! Completed the Saga & Stoies page and removed items from main page that appear there now.
[2022-07-07] Working on a new menu item called Sagas & Stories. It is a work in progress; thus only the basic pieces have been completed and uploaded. It will will take a couple of weeks to complete. Also some links on the home page will be removed as this proceeds. Asking again for help for the next Zoom meeting date & time!
[2022-07-01] Asking for help for the next Zoom meeting date & time!
[2022-06-29] No SPAM entries in the guest book this week; wow! Made a few changes to the More Laughs Page. If you actually read this line send me an email message.
[2022-06-20] Removed part of another spam entry.
[2022-06-16] Added photo to 2022 pictures. Minor change to main photo gallery page. Oh wow it has been FOUR days since we got a spam  spamCan  entry in the guest book.
[2022-06-12] Removed one more Spam entry from the Guest Book - becoming a pain in the.... spamCan spamCan
[2022-06-12] On the Main/Home Page enlarged map of visitors. Working on creating a Site Map. spamCan
[2022-06-10] Removed another spam entry from the guest book - can not keep up with the spam this month! spamCan
[2022-06-07] Removed 1 spam entry from the guest book - as fast as I delete them new ones appear! Also modified the menu on the main page.
[2022-06-03] Removed 2 spam entries from the guest book
[2022-05-23] Updated information about our next Zoom meeting.
[2022-05-21] Per the email from Eddie Zoom meeting will start at 3PM! not 4PM.
[2022-05-18] Chaned green font to red font for dates in the 2022 section. Also cleaned up another spam entry in the Guest Book Page.

* * * Sci Fi vs Real World * * *

Click on photo to enlarge it

* * * Member of the Month * * *

m of m
m of the m

The latest available eMail List is version #2024.46 which was released in August 2024 with recent changes.

A new version 2024.47 is being worked on and it will be distributed before the end of 2024.


Original Shirt

Click on photo to enlarge it

WOW! It still fits!

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It's working but if someone would like to add to it or rewrite it; it would be very appreciative.

This page was last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


This page changes often. It has an audio clip when it is first displayed.

This page was last updated:

% Complete: 25%] 99%


Has been overhauled & currently is complete.

Updated to add background audio/music (August 2019)

This page was last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


All photos are now viewable, even those from Reunion 2024

Working - let me know if anything needs updating. Help is needed to name the people in the photos and correct spelling of names.

Photos should be colorized as needed.

These pages were last updated:
September 2024.
Send me more pictures!

% Complete: 90%] 99%


Been trying to work on this.

The collages need to be updated.

The collages need to be colorized as needed.

Lots of work needs to done on these pages.

These pages were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 60%] 60%


Fully functional.

Need to add additional security to prevent scammers & spammers adding stuff/spam into the guest book. Changes are required by the site host before it can be done.

Page allows a visitor to sign
the Guest Book.

% Complete: 75%] 75%


Fully functional.

Need to add additional security to the SIGN GUEST BOOK page to prevent scammers adding stuff/spam into the guest book.

Updated when visitor signs
the Guest Book.

% Complete: 100%] 100%

7. B.T.H.S.:

Completed and functional but could use some finishing touches.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Functional again.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Just a little fun thingy that now has sound effects.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Link to the page is completed.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.
Contains Links to Facebook page.

% Complete: 100%] 100%

11. Rest In Peace:

Not my favorite page to work on :(

This page were last updated:
September 2023.

% Complete: 99%] 99%


The screen is NOT working so you can not bitch to me all you want to!

Needs to be fixed ASAP!

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 30%] 30%


Could use some minor touch ups. It has an audio clip when it is displayed.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Added contest #4.

Any ideas for a new one?

These pages were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Working just fine - does a replay of the opening "credits".

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%


Always adding new laughs as they are found.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 99%] 99%


Work in progress - just a few photos have been converted.

To colorize all the pictures could take many years to complete.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 30%] 30%


Work to be done - just a few photos have been converted.

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 92%] 20%


Just six stories/sagas here. Send more sagas, stories or tales.

This page were last updated:
January 2023.

% Complete: 99%] 99%


Do you remember these songs?

This page were last updated:
Septrember 2024.

% Complete: 55%] 55%


Do you remember where you lived?

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 99%] 99%

22. Clothing:

Clothes with Mosher Sayings.

Just stuff for sale on the internet.


This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 99%] 99%


Got some time to kill?

This page were last updated:
September 2024.

% Complete: 100%] 100%

Jump to top of page    or    Jump to status section   or    Jump to bottom of page

2021 1985
2021                                                                                                                                                         1985
2017 2015
2017                                                                                                                                                         2015
2010 2005
2010                                                                                                                                                       2005
2000 1994
2000                                                                                                                                                       1994


You are visitor number:  18

Your comments and feedback are welcomed and appreciated.

If you feel that there is something on this page or any

other page on this website that should be changed, added,

or deleted, you can send a message to the webmaster

addressing the problem

via the complaints page by clicking HERE.

Thank you.

Found a recent picture of the nurses.

m of m

Jump to screen status section    or    Jump to photo section   or    Jump to top of page

© Copyright 1966-2024, The House of Mosher '69. All rights reserved.   - - -   This page was last updated on September 15, 2024 @ 2:04 AM.